October 15, 2018
LimnoTech will be at the 2018 Minnesota Water Resources Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota, October 16-17. This event is sponsored by the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center. The conference is an outstanding venue, bringing together professionals from across Minnesota, a State known for putting high value on its water resources and advancing science, policy, and engineering to support restoration and protection.
A number of our Central Regional Office staff will be attending the conference. Visit us at the LimnoTech booth to discuss the work we are doing in Minnesota and across the country in data management, harmful algal blooms (HABs), lake restoration and management, watershed management, PFAS and other emerging contaminants, stormwater management, water resources modeling, ecosystem management, biological assessment and habitat management, climate resiliency and adaptation, sustainable agriculture, and other water resources topics that may be relevant to you.
Anthony Aufdenkampe will be presenting on EnviroDIY at 10:00 am on Wednesday, October 17. Anthony will be highlighting our work providing Open-Source Technologies for Cost-Effective Water Quality Monitoring and Automated Sampling. Dendy Lofton serves as a member of the planning committee and as co-moderator for a Session on Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure on Tuesday, October 16 from 3:15-4:45 pm, and a Session on Lake Water Quality on Wednesday, October 17 from 3:15-4:45 pm. Other members of our Central Regional Office staff will be there as well.
We hope to see you there!
If you have a question or want more information, contact Dendy at dlofton@limno.com or Anthony at aaufdenkampe@limno.com.