Harmful Algal Blooms

Nutrient pollution, drought, extreme storms, and warmer temperatures have led to the emergence of toxic and nuisance algal blooms in coastal and freshwater systems. As environmental experts, LimnoTech has coupled science and engineering technology to develop a systematic approach for finding solutions for our clients to control or prevent the impacts algal blooms can have on recreation, drinking water, cooling water, ecosystems, and the economy.

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Complex environmental problems present challenges that are not amenable to conventional engineering solutions and require development of new approaches and tools. LimnoTech can provide a complete and systematic approach to find realistic, reliable and sustainable solutions to nutrient pollution and HAB problems (e.g., hypoxia, fish kills, taste and odor issues, toxins, etc.).

We utilize the latest scientific methods and tools to develop realistic and cost-effective remedial alternatives from the scale of individual treatment plants to entire watersheds. At LimnoTech, our scientists and engineers not only conduct their own research, but often partner with colleagues in universities, government research laboratories, and/or nonprofit organizations on projects funded by federal agencies such as the US EPA, NOAA, and NSF.

We understand the importance of proper data collection, integration, and access, whether from ships or satellites. We recognize the utility of a modeling analysis to better define problems, assess their cause, and select solutions. We have the expertise to know what level of complexity is required to answer key questions and support management objectives. We have the unique capabilities and technologies to integrate information, produce forecasts, and test controls and management scenarios. Our staff also recognizes the importance of community education and engagement, and we know how to communicate complex information in a way that is understandable.

LimnoTech staff know how excess nutrients feed HABs, and how they respond to changing environmental conditions. We have conducted assessments of nutrient enrichment, including excess amounts of both nitrogen and phosphorus, in systems as large as Lake Michigan and the Potomac Estuary, and as small as your typical recreational lake or reservoir. Our specialized scientific expertise and wide-ranging experience results in reliable management decisions that can garner the support of the community, funding sources, and if necessary, withstand the challenge of litigation.

Talk to us! Contact John or Dave to discuss how we can help you with your challenge, initiative, or program related to eutrophication and HABs.


  • Data Analysis & Interpretation

  • Data Portal Design, Launch & Maintenance

  • Database Development

  • Decision Support Tool Development (desktop, mobile, tablet, web)

  • ESRI Story Map Development

  • Evaluation of Management Alternatives with Cost/Benefit Analysis

  • HAB Toxicity Research

  • Integrated Ecosystem Forecasting

  • Physical/ Chemical/ Biological Monitoring System Design & Deployment

  • Public Communication Web Portal Design & Facilitation

  • Public Outreach Education & Stakeholder Relations

  • Water Treatment Plans

  • Watershed & Waterbody Modeling & Assessment


Talk to Us.

Contact Dave or John to talk about how we can help you.

  • "Your presentation was greatly appreciated for its scientific content on Great Lakes eutrophication. This is a good example of an old issue in need of some new science . . . Thanks for presenting the issues in such a coherent fashion."

    Peter Boyer International Joint Commission Science Advisory Board, Windsor, Ontario


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