Urban Wet Weather

When it rains, it pours. Wet weather in urban areas creates a variety of challenges. Safety and property damage related to flooding, water quality impacts on local water bodies, human and ecological health, and regulatory compliance all need to be considered. However, solutions can be complex and costly. Throughout our history, LimnoTech has helped our clients understand these issues and create innovative solutions.

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At LimnoTech, we recognize the need for our clients to make the most of limited resources to achieve multiple benefits and to plan improvements with the big picture in mind. We’ve served communities, industries, and state, regional, and federal agencies, from coast to coast, in developing technically sound, creative, and cost-effective solutions to urban wet weather. We provide experience, ingenuity, information and tools that result in collaborative decision-making on urban wet weather issues. Our objective is to bring an integrated approach to go beyond simply fixing problems or meeting permit conditions and support our clients who are taking the lead in the stewardship of water resources in their community.

LimnoTech’s technical and regulatory expertise provides a solid ground for planning, evaluating, and implementing wet weather solutions. Our staff can provide guidance development or programmatic support on wet weather issues for states or federal agencies. We can help municipalities develop cost-effective plans to comply with state and federal requirements associated with combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and municipal stormwater discharges. Our modeling experts can develop hydrologic and hydraulic models to assess capacity and peak wet weather flow issues as well as conduct watershed and river water quality assessments and modeling to evaluate the water quality benefits of control alternatives.

Our staff also has extensive experience with the development or review of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and use attainability analyses (UAAs). We support our clients in developing NPDES permit conditions that are protective of the environment but balance the need for permittees to use their resources efficiently. Our experts have helped pioneer the use of adaptive watershed management and water quality standards revisions to meet Clean Water Act goals with less cost. We also develop customized decision support tools (DSTs) that integrate collection and conveyance systems, watersheds, stream flows, and water quality to establish meaningful goals for the water resources in a community as well as sustainable management solutions.

LimnoTech is at the forefront of advancing science and public policy to solve urban wet weather issues. In addition to our long history of service to municipalities, industries, and state and regional agencies, we are also collaborating with the US EPA, the Water Environment and Reuse Foundation (WE&RF), the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), and other organizations to tackle wet weather in the urban environment.

Contact Us! We’d love to have the opportunity to hear how we might serve your community! Please get in touch with Hans, Tim, or Carrie to learn more about how we can help you.


  • Collection System, Watershed, & Water Quality Modeling

  • Decision Support Tool Development (desktop, mobile, tablet, web)

  • Monitoring Plans & Data Collection

  • Permitting & Regulatory Support & Guidance

  • Stormwater Planning & Controls

  • Strategic Planning for Wet Weather

  • Support for Developing Long-Term Control Plans (LTCPs)

  • TMDL Implementation & Planning

  • Watershed Assessment & Planning


  • "Meeting the annual commitments for the national wet weather initiative can be quite a challenge, and LimnoTech lessened the burden of our workload by assisting us in matters such as creating and coordinating EZ LTCP workshops for our states."

    Renee Searfoss EPA Region III


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