Water Resource Investigation & Management

Governments, companies and NGOs need access to data and tools based on sound science and engineering to support decisions about public health protection, ecosystem protection and restoration, regulatory compliance, water supply and use, and land development. We help our clients understand the stressors to their water resources and empower them to make management decisions with confidence.

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A holistic understanding of water resources is necessary to help our clients create and implement workable strategies that address protection and restoration goals. The strategies often need to balance regulatory requirements, budgetary constraints, and stakeholder concerns. Experience, innovation, and creativity are essential for developing successful solutions to complex water resource problems.

We address water resource issues related to quantity (flooding as well as droughts), quality (nutrients, toxics, bacteria, etc.), and function (ecological habitat, climate change resiliency and adaptation). LimnoTech has decades of experience using technologies such as environmental sensors, GIS, computer models, and data visualization tools to formulate solutions and strategies for water resource management. We are pioneers in the use of adaptive watershed planning to develop integrated approaches to reduce point and nonpoint sources of pollution and in the use of green infrastructure for watershed, stormwater, and MS4 and CSO planning and management. We have developed new data collection and analysis techniques and have created customized, user-friendly, decision support tools (DSTs) to find solutions to our clients’ complex water resource problems.

Since 1975, our clients have relied on LimnoTech to provide scientifically sound, objective, and cost-effective services related to water resource investigation and management. As a national leader in water science, we have experience with streams, lakes, estuaries, and coastal waters in watersheds across the United States and internationally. Clients benefitting from our experience include federal agencies, states, municipalities and local governments, nonprofit organizations, watershed groups, and industry.

Talk to us! Please contact Scott or Anouk to discuss how we can help you with your water investigation and management challenge, initiative, or program.


  • Aquatic System Restoration Planning & Design

  • Computer Model Development & Application

  • Data Collection, Management & Analytics (hydrologic, sediment quality, water quality, habitat, vegetation, macroinvertebrates, fish, wildlife)

  • Data Visualization

  • Decision Support Tool Development (desktop, mobile, tablet, web)

  • Ecological Engineering

  • Expert Testimony

  • Permit Application, Renewal, Negotiation & Appeal Support

  • Point & Nonpoint Source Pollution Evaluations

  • Public Outreach Education & Stakeholder Relations

  • Stormwater Management, Permitting & Design (including green infrastructure)

  • Stream & Watershed Assessment

  • TMDL Development, Implementation & Compliance

  • Urban/Agricultural Best Management Practice Evaluation & Design

  • Water Quality Investigation and Monitoring

  • Water Supply Assessment & Protection

  • Watershed Characterization & Management Plan Development

  • Wetland Delineation, Restoration, Planning & Design


Talk to Us.

Contact Scott or Anouk to talk about how we can help you.

  • "LimnoTech’s presentation was so helpful in summarizing the complex Chesapeake Bay program modeling, scoping runs, and attainment process, that one of our committee members requested that we forward it to the Patuxent River Commission."

    Tanya Spano Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments


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