Contaminated Sites
The management of contaminated sites continues to be a significant problem in the United States and globally, particularly as urbanization pushes cities and municipalities to reclaim former industrial properties for new uses. LimnoTech has provided services in the area of site characterization, remediation, and management since the earliest days of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), serving clients in both the regulated and regulatory communities at hundreds of sites in the United States and internationally.
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Environmental site characterization and remediation involves identifying and reducing or eliminating potential threats to human health and the environment from contamination. Site characterization and remedy design can range from simple to complex, depending on the contaminants, transport pathways and potential receptors at risk. Remediation may involve engineered cleanups or containment of contaminated soil, groundwater, surface water, sediments, or man-made structures. In some cases, it is prudent to monitor and manage a site, allowing natural processes to degrade contaminants and recovery to occur.
To address the full range of problems and approaches, LimnoTech brings world-class expertise in many disciplines, including the natural sciences, engineering, economics, regulatory compliance, and business management. We also have the capabilities to support the full conversion of contaminated sites to new uses with our complementary expertise in water resource restoration and urban land revitalization.
Talk to us! Please contact Tim Dekker or Tim Towey to find out more about us and how we could work with you.
Construction Planning & Management
Engineering Design & Specification
Environmental Modeling
Environmental Restoration & Site Development
Feasibility Studies & Assessment
Hazardous Waste & Materials Management
Permit Application & Negotiation
PFAS Investigation, Data Interpretation, Fate & Transport Assessment, Remediation Planning/Design
Pilot/Treatability Studies
Remedial Investigation
Risk Assessment
Sediment Cap Modeling
Sediment Quality Modeling
System Operation, Monitoring & Management
Talk to Us.
Contact Tim Dekker or Tim Towey to talk about how we can help you.
"LimnoTech has been an essential and strategic partner working directly with us and our clients to solve some of the most scientifically-challenging marine and freshwater contaminated sediment problems in the U.S. and other countries . . . I cannot imagine any complicated water resource or sediment management project proceeding without LimnoTech on the team."