Industries & Businesses

Companies face numerous water-related challenges, ranging from water management in an increasingly water-scarce world, to stormwater and wastewater discharge concerns, to legacy contamination from historical discharges, and more. LimnoTech has a long history of helping our clients address environmental issues of yesterday and today, and prepare for a sustainable future.

Our services cover a variety of issues facing companies. We help our clients with legacy contamination concerns comply with the Clean Water Act (CWA), CERCLA, and other environmental requirements. We’ve helped negotiate realistic discharge permits for industries using environmental modeling and our regulatory experience. More recently, using the latest water science, we are helping companies better understand and improve their water use practices.

LimnoTech has more than four decades of experience serving corporations and working with regulators and regulated parties. Contact Dan Herrema, Wendy Larson, or Greg Peterson to find out how we can help.

LimnoTech Provides

  • A tailored approach to your particular situation

  • Clear communication of technical information

  • Knowledge of environmental regulations

  • Strong credibility with regulatory agencies

  • The latest technology & scientific expertise


  • "Regulators have a lot of confidence in LimnoTech.  Working with staff [LimnoTech] is like going to see a good golf pro – after watching a couple swings, they know what you need to address and the results are pretty certain."

    Vice President of a Mining Company


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