Greg Peterson is the Vice President of Financial Operations and is also a Member of the LimnoTech Board of Directors. Greg also leads our federal sector program management and business development. Greg has extensive experience in water resources and environmental engineering at more than 300 sites nationwide. He has managed projects for industrial, legal, commercial, academic, and government clients in various technical areas. These include water resource management; sediment management; hazardous waste site assessments; remedial investigations and feasibility studies; RCRA facility investigations and corrective actions; remedial action planning, design, and implementation; hydrogeologic investigations; underground storage tank remediation; regulatory compliance; permit development and review; contaminant fate and transport modeling; exposure and risk assessment; and nonpoint source assessment. Projects managed by Greg have involved assessing, evaluating, and remediating the full range of conventional and priority pollutants in groundwater, soils, waste disposal areas, sediments, lakes, streams, estuaries, and air.
Greg works at LimnoTech’s Corporate Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Tel: 734-332-1200