North America, Europe, and South Asia
Confidential (food and beverage, technology, and commercial sites)
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Our Expert:
The AWS Water Stewardship Standard is a robust, internationally-recognized framework and certification for organizations to demonstrate a commitment to water stewardship. As leaders in the evolving space of corporate water stewardship, the LimnoTech team is Professionally Credentialed and provides consulting support for organizations looking to initiate, develop and share their water stewardship journey through AWS implementation.
The Challenge
A company’s water use can have wide-reaching impacts that affect its bottom line, reputation, future risk, and nearby water users. The AWS Standard is a globally-applicable framework that a site can use to understand their water use, potential water risk, watershed context, and shared concerns in terms of water governance, water balance, water quality, and important water-related areas. It is a voluntary, five-step continual improvement framework that enables water users to commit to understand, plan, implement, evaluate, and communicate water stewardship actions within their site and watershed. The AWS Standard leads sites to engage in meaningful individual and collective actions that benefit people and nature. Through the development of a water stewardship plan, a site sets targets and implements responsible practices that mitigate water risks, improve efficiency, and address shared water challenges. Implementation of the AWS Standard may benefit an organization by:
- Mitigating current and future physical (water quantity and quality) or reputational risk
- Identifying opportunities to improve the efficiency of operations
- Helping address shared water challenges in the watershed through stakeholder engagement, involvement in watershed-based actions, and strengthening of relationships within the community
- Demonstrating actions as a responsible water steward and increasing awareness of ongoing positive work
- Integrating ongoing water stewardship activities into a logical, cohesive framework
How We Help
LimnoTech supports companies through the AWS Standard implementation process. We worked with AWS as the standard emerged by pilot testing a beta version at several industrial facilities. The LimnoTech team is Professionally Credentialed to deliver capacity building, support, and assessment services. Our involvement with the AWS Standard has grown as the implementation of the AWS Standard has expanded globally and across sectors.
Our primary role is to provide consulting support to companies seeking AWS Standard implementation. We have supported several companies in implementing the AWS Standard, including multiple global high-tech companies, a bottled beverage company, a confectionary, a pet food manufacturer, a pharmaceutical company, and a personal product manufacturer.
We help implementing sites navigate and demonstrate conformity with all aspects of the standard, including data gathering, water risk identification, stakeholder outreach, water stewardship plan development, implementation, evaluation, and disclosure. We can start with a gap analysis and then, if desired, guide clients through the path toward certification. Clients are well-prepared for a third-party conformity assessment, which will lead to formal recognition as a water steward. We have also provided training sessions for potential implementers of the AWS Standard in large and small group settings. Training can be tailored for a specific sector, company, or geographic region.