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The Coca-Cola Company

Global Environment & Technology Foundation (GETF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Our Expert:

In 2007, The Coca-Cola Company set a 2020 goal to replenish a volume of water to nature and communities equal to its global sales volume. With support from LimnoTech and our project partners, Coca-Cola achieved this goal early, by participating in and funding projects involving watershed protection and conservation, drinking water and sanitation access, and water for productive community use.

The Challenge

After establishing the replenish goal, Coca-Cola needed defensible, science-based methodologies for quantifying replenish benefits and measuring progress towards the 2020 goal. LimnoTech, in collaboration with TNC, identified potential restoration activities based on a review of Coca-Cola’s Community Water Partnership projects and an extensive literature review. The team then evaluated available methods and developed new methods for quantifying the changes in water quantity associated with restoration activities. We identified calculation methods for each restoration activity type and implemented the methodologies to quantify, track and document replenish benefits. LimnoTech also conducted replenish training workshops for business units around the world, and developed guidance and policy documents.

The Outcome

In 2016, Coca-Cola announced that it had exceeded its goal five years ahead of schedule, becoming the first Fortune 500 Company to replenish its water use globally. LimnoTech continues to quantify and report replenish benefits to reflect Coca-Cola’s ongoing support for projects around the world. To date, LimnoTech has quantified replenish benefits for more than 200 projects located in 50 countries, within 18 different Coca-Cola Business Units. Details can be found in a peer-reviewed journal paper authored by LimnoTech, Coca-Cola and TNC.


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