Craig Taylor, PE, is a Civil Engineer and a Hydraulics and River Rehabilitation Specialist. Craig has over 15 years of professional experience in restoration design, physical hydraulics, sediment transport, and stormwater modeling. He uses his expertise in evaluating numeric model results to inform environmental and river restoration and stormwater projects. Craig has specific and specialized skills in designing new channels for streams and rivers lacking natural morphology due to previous development and alteration.
Craig has conducted extensive research into stormwater management techniques and has served as a technical leader on over two dozen urban river restoration projects. Highlights of his skills and expertise in this area include physical and numerical modeling, channel morphology, scour assessment, armoring design, ecological flow regimes, storm sewer networks, and riparian restoration.
Craig also serves as an instructor at the University of Virginia’s Landscape Architecture graduate program and has a BS and MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota. He also holds a Stream Restoration Certificate from the University of Minnesota.
Craig works at LimnoTech’s Central Regional Office in Oakdale, Minnesota.
Tel: 651-330-6038