Jessica Bleha, PGHydrogeologist

Jessica Bleha, PG, is a Senior Hydrogeologist with more than 15 years of environmental consulting experience, including over a decade of project management, planning, and coordination of projects. Jessica’s expertise includes hydrogeological assessments of surface and groundwater resources; environmental site assessments; conceptual modeling; data management systems; mine remediation and permitting; inventory of orphaned oil and gas wells; and monitoring well, soil boring, and remediation system installations. She is also proficient in various environmental and engineering software, including ArcGIS, AQTESOLV, LogPlot, and RockWorks20.

Since joining LimnoTech, Jessica has performed and overseen several soil, groundwater, surface water, and stormwater investigations for PFAS and other contaminants of concern. She has evaluated municipal well-pumping test data and provided remedial design and support for a Superfund site. Jessica is a licensed Professional Geologist in Minnesota, Virginia, and Wisconsin. She has a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Montana and the University of Michigan, respectively

Jessica works at LimnoTech’s Corporate Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Tel: 734-332-1200

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