John R. Wolfe, PHD, PE, BCEESenior Principal

John R. Wolfe, PHD, PE, BCEE, is a Senior Principal at LimnoTech. He has managed projects involving the fate and transport of contaminants, site investigations, nutrient impacts on lakes, sewer overflows, energy-water issues, and environmental economics. He has extensive expertise in surface water quality modeling and management, including contaminated sediments, and is a Board Certified Environmental Engineer in the specialty area of Hazardous Waste Management. Before his career in engineering, John worked for 13 years as an economist, including 11 years as a university professor. He served as a Committee Member on Sediment Dredging at Superfund Megasites for the National Research Council of the National Academies and as President of the Southern California Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).

John is based at LimnoTech’s Southern California Regional Office in Los Angeles, California.

Tel: 213-282-4440

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