Laura Weintraub, PE, is the Vice President of Marketing and Client Development and a Senior Environmental and Water Resources Engineer at LimnoTech. Laura has over 25 years of experience supporting public, private, and research clients in the areas of watershed planning, water sustainability, stormwater management, source water protection, and decision-support system development. She currently co-directs LimnoTech’s corporate water stewardship practice area, where she supports numerous companies in tech, food & beverage, manufacturing, electric power, agriculture, and other sectors. Laura leads projects to support sustainability-focused companies with water stewardship strategy and target setting; water stewardship program development and implementation; water accounting, footprinting, and circularity assessments; context-based water risk assessments; replenish project scoping and benefit quantification; Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard training and certification; and sustainability reporting. She has also led efforts to evaluate water risk and sustainability metrics, assess opportunities for alternative (degraded) water supply use, and quantify the economic costs and benefits of water stewardship projects implemented outside the fenceline of an organization’s operational boundaries.
Laura is proficient in many watershed and receiving water models and led the development of the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) Water Prism and WARMF. Laura has a particular interest in water issues faced by the electric power industry and has led projects to evaluate water risk and sustainability metrics, comply with CWA 316(b)/316(a) requirements, assess opportunities for alternative (degraded) water supply use, and quantify the economic costs and benefits of water stewardship projects. Laura has a BSE in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan and an MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado.
Laura works at LimnoTech’s Corporate Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Tel: 734-332-1200