Nick Grewe, PEEnvironmental Engineer

Nick Grewe, PE, is an Environmental Engineer at LimnoTech with areas of interest in stream restoration, hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, and watershed studies. Nick uses his hydrologic/hydraulic modeling expertise to develop and apply models (HEC-RAS, HSPF, SWMM, MIKE Flood) for watersheds and water bodies throughout the country to aid in the preparation of permits, TMDL development, stream restoration and channel design, and decision-support tools. He also has extensive field experience in many areas of water resources, including water quality monitoring, bathymetry mapping, stream stability assessments, erosion control, and surface and groundwater quantity monitoring. Nick is proficient in ArcGIS and applies his skills to support diverse project-specific needs.

Nick works at LimnoTech’s Central Regional Office in Oakdale, Minnesota.

Tel: 651-330-6038

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