Volker Janssen is a Senior Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineer at LimnoTech. Volker has over 20 years of experience in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology, and GIS and has served as the technical lead and provided support for various modeling efforts in the Mid-Atlantic region. The projects he has worked on include watershed models and floodplain estimations as well as flood-protection-concepts and sewer studies. He has acted as both a project engineer and project manager. During his project work, Volker has worked with relational databases, GIS environments, and various hydrologic and hydraulic modeling frameworks. He has capabilities in several programming languages, such as C++, VBA, Python, and R. His responsibilities include designing, calibrating, and applying 2- and 3-dimensional hydrodynamic models for tidally influenced river systems, sewer systems, urban flood, and LID models, as well as developing pre-and post-processing tools for modeling and monitoring data analysis.
Volker works at LimnoTech’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Office in Washington, DC.
Tel: 202-833-9140