HABs technology training and coordination workshop at the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center, December 13, 2017.

January 17, 2018

LimnoTech hosted a HABs technology training and coordination workshop for university researchers and water treatment plant operators on December 13, 2017 at the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center. We’ve hosted several of these events, but this event was unique in that it marked the first event funded under our new GLOS Ocean Technology Transition (GLOS OTT) project. LimnoTech’s Greg Cutrell, John Bratton, and Ed Verhamme spent the day with researchers from Bowling Green State University, University of Toledo, and The Ohio State University’s Stone Lab/Ohio Sea Grant, and water treatment plant operators from Toledo, Oregon, Ottawa County, Elyria, Marblehead, and Ashtabula, Ohio. The workshop included training sessions in maintaining monitoring equipment, and discussions and information-sharing among water resource professionals, university researchers, and water treatment plant operators. This event highlights LimnoTech’s strong commitment to bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and the operational needs of water treatment plant operators that provide clean drinking water to over 3 million Ohio residents daily.

For more information, check out the following news articles and resources:

Toledo Blade: Winter means work for Lake Erie’s algae warriors, too

WTOL 11: Water quality sensors used year round in Lake Erie

Great Lakes Commission (GLC): HABs Collaboratory

The University of Toldeo, YouTube Video: Water Sensor Calibration Event at Toledo University’s Lake Erie Center

The University of Toldeo, YouTube Video: Area Scientists Visit Lake Erie Center to Calibrate Instruments

ABC13: Algae Tech Gets a Winter Makeover

Environmental Monitor: Lake Erie HAB Monitoring Network Matures to Protect Drinking Water


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