June 18, 2019 Scott Bell, LimnoTech Vice President and Senior Environmental Engineer, is presenting at the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) PFAS Management, Mitigation, and Remediation [...]
May 22, 2019 LimnoTech Vice President and Senior Environmental Engineer Scott Bell has been invited to speak at the American Public Works Association (APWA) Michigan Chapter 2019 Great Lakes Expo [...]
February 19, 2019 LimnoTech’s senior project scientist Chris Cieciek will be a panelist at the 2019 Michigan Airport Conference held in East Lansing, Michigan, from February 20-21. This is the [...]
September 10, 2018 Scott Bell and Chris Cieciek will be attending the 2018 Annual Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Conference at Boyne Highlands Resort in Harbor Springs, [...]
The 93rd Annual Michigan Water Environment Association (MWEA) Conference will take place at the Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne City, Michigan from June 24 to 27. The conference program will have [...]