Sage ParisEnvironmental Engineer

Sage Paris joined LimnoTech in February 2023 as an Environmental Engineer. Sage has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan with a focus on Environmental Fluid Dynamics and Ecohydrology. His research experience as an undergraduate and graduate included spatial ecology modeling of invasive plants on coastal wetlands and groundwater and surface hydrology modeling. Sage previously interned for the USDA-NRCS in southern Illinois, where he learned about civil engineering design for soil and water conservation in agricultural and municipal applications.

Sage’s project experience at LimnoTech includes database support for PFAS monitoring, water quality, and hydrological model inputs. He has contributed to modeling efforts, including sensitivity analyses for surface hydrology models and preparing stormwater pipe network models. Sage has applied his programming skills in Python and VBA to develop analysis tools, improve data management, and update databases. Additionally, he brings experience in ArcGIS, ArcPy, Delft, EPANET, SWMM, and MODFLOW.

Sage works at LimnoTech’s Corporate Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tel: 734-332-1200

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