Steve Skripnik, PEPrincipal, Senior Environmental Engineer

Steve Skripnik, PE, is a Principal and Senior Environmental Engineer with expertise working with public and private sector clients to navigate complex water-related issues. Steve has managed projects related to stormwater runoff and watershed management issues, surface water hydrology, low-impact development, complex environmental data management, and sustainability issues. Steve’s project experience includes developing and applying various watershed hydrology, storm and sanitary sewer collection systems, receiving water models, and working with clients to create plans that are resilient to a changing environment. His diverse project experience includes water stewardship, watershed planning, stormwater quality and conveyance, and water supply planning. Steve serves a broad range of client groups, including municipal and industrial sectors, state and federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Steve is committed to helping clients make informed management, risk, and design decisions using sound data analysis, monitoring, modeling, and decision systems.

Steve works at LimnoTech’s Southern California Regional Office in Los Angeles, California.

Tel: 213-282-4440

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