Isabel Pagán ShuEnvironmental Engineer

Isabel Pagán Shu joined LimnoTech in June 2022 as an Environmental Engineer. She has contributed to projects covering a range of technical areas, including coastal, stream, and wetland restoration, restoration design, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit support, dam removal feasibility studies, and corporate water stewardship. Isabel’s technical expertise includes Civil3D for ecosystem design, PCSWMM for stormwater modeling, Python for data analysis and modeling, and ArcGIS Pro for spatial analysis and other tasks.

Isabel earned a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from California Baptist University and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan, specializing in Water Quality and Process Engineering. Her graduate studies predominately focused on the design of water treatment systems, biological and chemical processes in wastewater, fluid dynamics, and open channel flow.

Isabel works at LimnoTech’s Corporate Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Tel: 734-332-1200

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