A water image in the background, with an image of Edinburgh in the foreground with the text AWS Global Water Stewardship, 5-6 June 2024, Edinburgh, UK, A4WS.ORG, #A4WS2024, LimnoTech at the AWS Global Water Stewardship Forum 2024.
Image adapted from The Alliance for Water Stewardship.

Wendy Larson and Nate Jacobson at the AWS Global Water Stewardship Forum 2024

June 4, 2024

Wendy Larson and Nate Jacobson are looking forward to participating in the 2024 AWS Global Water Stewardship Forum in Edinburgh, Scotland, this week. The forum, hosted by the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), brings together businesses, NGOs, and other stakeholders to share experiences, build knowledge, and forge new water stewardship directions and actions through dialogue and partnerships.

Nate will present and have a panel member role during the “WASH4Work” session. WASH4Work is the primary multi-stakeholder platform developed to elevate the theory and practice of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) linked to private sector value chains. The session will focus on WASH in corporate water stewardship, current leading practice, and future outlook, including the new release and launch of the WASH Benefits Accounting Framework. Other presenters and panel members in this session include Scott McCready (AWS), Cheryl Hicks (CEO Water Mandate/WASH4Work), and Paulina Concha Larrauri (Microsoft).

During the “Water Stewardship Community Convergence | Solutions & Reporting Systems” session, Wendy will present and have a panel member role. The water stewardship community has produced three system typologies – diagnostic, solutions, and reporting. In this session, the participants and attendees will explore how to bring core solutions and reporting systems closer together. Wendy will be discussing “Advances in Multi-Benefit Accounting for Investments in Water Stewardship” during her presentation. Other presenters and panel members include Hannah Baleta (Arrayza), Patricia Calderon/Renata De Souza Leão (CDP), Gregg Brill (CEO Water Mandate/Pacific Institute), and Christina Mallin (South Pole). In this session, the presentations will be followed by a Q&A.

To learn more about the AWS Forum 2024, visit https://a4ws.org/forum.

Do you have questions or want more information? You can reach out to Wendy Larson at wlarson@limno.com or Nate Jacobson at njacobson@limno.com.

You can learn more about LimnoTech’s work supporting companies implementing the AWS Standard and water stewardship on our website or by checking out the series of articles our water stewardship team has published on our Insights & Perspectives page covering topics such as stakeholder mapping, site teams and plans, replenish, water risk, and volumetric water benefit accounting 2.0 guidance.

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