May 20, 2019
LimnoTech Senior Project Scientist Chris Cieciek will be presenting at this year’s Michigan Chamber of Commerce Environmental Issues Forum in Lansing, Michigan, on Tuesday, September 21 at 2:00 pm. The forum offers a comprehensive update on current developments in the environmental arena with leading expert attorneys, government officials, and top consultants.
Chris will be presenting with Jeffrey Longsworth of Barnes & Thornburg. Their presentation is titled “Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Permitting Issues.” The talk will touch on a number of environmental issues in Michigan, including the USEPA’s response to the recent National Academy of Science’s (NAs) report assessing the risk of pesticides to endangered and threatened species; updates to Michigan’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) program; and the challenges of characterizing and monitoring for PFAS compounds in Michigan waters.
Chris Cieciek has over 25 years of technical and project management experience in the assessment of nonpoint sources of pollution and their impacts on surface waters. He is a specialist in the areas of airport stormwater discharge compliance, water quality monitoring and assessment, lake and watershed characterization, and implementation of innovative stormwater management programs.
If you are interested in learning more about Chris and Jeffery’s presentation, you can contact Chris at