October 24, 2019
In the Environmental Business Journal’s 2019 Remediation and PFAS Edition, LimnoTech’s Scott Bell talks about how PFAS is showing up in the environment and what it means for various sectors. In the interview, Scott discusses PFAS sources, site investigations, remediation, fate and transport, and trends in standards.
When asked what type of client or responsible party is getting the most attention related to PFAS, Scott noted that, “To date, there does not seem to be an exclusive focus on any particular client type or responsible party… If there has been one overwhelming focus, it has been on identifying and addressing threats to drinking water supplies.”
To read the full interview, click here.
Do you have a PFAS-related needs or question? You can contact Scott at sbell@limno.com.
Scott Bell, PE, is a senior environmental engineer and Vice President at LimnoTech, where he has worked since 1992. In addition to managing staff and projects, Scott has technical expertise in subsurface investigation, environmental remediation and restoration, and engineering feasibility studies. He currently leads LimnoTech’s PFAS response efforts and is supporting industrial, legal, business and civilian aviation clients across the country with their PFAS-related problems.
Interview reprinted from the Environmental Business Journal with permission from Environmental Business International Inc. All rights reserved. © 2019 EBI Inc., www.ebionline.org.