Six Steps of the AWS Standard Implementation (source/image credit: Alliance for Water Stewardship)
November 7, 2017
The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) training is for sustainability and water management professionals interested in understanding water stewardship, implementing the AWS Standard, or working within the AWS system.
Laura Weintraub, our resident AWS Standard expert, will be co-teaching a three day training with AWS-North America and WWF USA on the AWS Standard in Los Angeles, California, December 5-7, 2017. The training will take place at the LACI La Kretz Innovation Campus and includes three levels of training (Foundation, Advanced and Specialist). Participants can attend 1, 2 or 3 days depending on level of interest. For more information or to register go here.
Why would you be interested? The AWS Standard is a framework for major water users to get organized about their water management and impacts, and to work collaboratively and transparently for sustainable water management within a watershed context. You may already be doing great things with water stewardship. The AWS Standard pulls those great things into a logical framework. If you want to utilize the full standard, a facility can seek certification (somewhat similar to a LEED certification for a building). This can be invaluable for a company/site facing physical (water quantity or quality) or reputational risk. The level of effort to apply the standard is not extensive, and it presents an opportunity for a company to proactively understand their water risk and respond with informed and meaningful actions.
What’s new? Nestle Waters just earned AWS Standard certification for three U.S. facilities (first sites in North America) and formally committed to seeking AWS certification at all of their U.S. bottling sites. Additionally, a MillerCoors brewery in Milwaukee and two EcoLab sites in California are registered in the AWS Standard system and are on the path to certification.
How LimnoTech is involved? We are accredited as AWS Standard consultants and trainers (one of the few in the U.S.). We support companies seeking to mitigate water risks, address shared water challenges, and ensure that responsible water stewardship actions are implemented and recognized. We are currently working with clients to apply the AWS Standard.
Please contact Laura if you have any questions about the AWS Standard or what you could expect to gain from the upcoming training.