Congratulations to LimnoTech COO John Marr on his Retirement

February 10, 2023 After 43 exceptional years of dedication, service, and leadership, we would like to congratulate and thank our long-time Chief Operating Officer (COO) and friend, John Marr, as [...]

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 3: Field Blanks

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 3: Field Blanks Field blanks: what are they, why do we collect them, and what does our data from dozens of site investigations show? By [...]

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 2: Equipment Blanks

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 2: Equipment Blanks Equipment blanks: What are they, why do we collect them, and what does our data from dozens of site investigations [...]

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 1: Source Water Sampling

Quality Assurance in PFAS Site Investigations – Part 1: Source Water Sampling Our PFAS team at LimnoTech has investigated dozens of sites for legacy PFAS contamination, mainly at commercial [...]

Method 1633 for PFAS in Aqueous Samples

Method 1633 for PFAS in Aqueous Samples EPA has published the fourth draft of the new analytical method for PFAS in environmental samples (Method 1633). Method 1633 will likely be finalized this [...]

PFAS – How Low Can You Go? Now We Know!

PFAS – How Low Can You Go? Now We Know! New Health Advisory Limits (HALs) for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water could be a game-changer. By Scott Bell, Senior Environmental Engineer/Vice [...]

Key Considerations for PFAS Field Investigations

Key Considerations for PFAS Field Investigations So, you have a PFAS problem. What’s next? In this article, I share some key considerations for planning and implementing a PFAS field [...]

PFAS – How Low Can You Go?

PFAS – How Low Can You Go? It’s not just that more states are promulgating PFAS standards but that the standards are getting lower and lower. However, as regulatory standards go lower, they are [...]