February 11, 2019
LimnoTech will be at the Tenth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments held February 11-14 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Sediments Conference series is a forum for sharing research results, practical experiences, and opportunities associated with investigating, remediating, and restoring the environmental and economic vitality of waterways. The event offers plenary sessions, more than 500 platform and poster presentations, and multiple daily networking opportunities for those attending.
LimnoTech scientists and engineers will be presenting papers and posters at the conference. Stop by to take in our presentations, and talk to us about the work we doing in contaminated sediment and site remediation and management. See you there!
Tuesday, February 12, Platform Session C2. Adaptive Management Approaches
Adaptive Use of Models and Data Collection to Improve Model Predictions for the Purpose of Decision Making, 1:50 pm.
Authors: John Wolfe and Timothy Dekker. Presenter: John Wolfe
Wednesday, February 13, Platform Session A6. Contaminant Forensics
Co-Moderator: Timothy Dekker
Wednesday, February 13, Platform Session D6. GIS Data Evaluation and Data Visualization
Use of ESRI Story Map to Communicate the Universal Oil Products (UOP) Remedial Investigation Findings, 1:25 pm.
Authors: R. Galloway, A. Savineau, and Brian Lord. Presenter: Anouk Savineau
Monday and Tuesday, February 11-12, Poster Presentation: Group D2. Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport, Poster 113
Refining Estimates of Sediment Delivery and Sedimentation to Support Waterway Design.
Authors: Jeremy Grush, Timothy Dekker, and Brendan Cousino. Presenter: Jeremy Grush.
This poster will be on display from Monday, February 11 at 7:00 pm through Tuesday, February 12 at 7:00 pm. Jeremy Grush will be at our display to discuss our work on Tuesday from 5:45 to 7:00 p.m.